INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions

IDI and CAROSAI celebrate the successful completion of their SAI PMF Facilitation Programme.

IDI/CAROSAI's regional SAI PMF facilitation programme comes to a successful close.

Strategic Management When All Bets Are Off

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, SAI teams participating in IDI's SPMR inititaivefound themselves in a precarious situation. 

Upcoming webinar: Gaining and safeguarding SAI independence

Joint IDI / CBC ACCC webinar will give SAI leadership opportunitites to discuss how to protect their independence in law and in reality.

IDI participation at OLACEFS LXXII Governing Board meeting in May 2021

On May 18, the Latin American and Caribbean Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (OLACEFS) held its LXXII Governing Board meeting

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Auditing Strong and Resilient National Public Health System (linked to SDG 3.d) in the CAROSAI Region – SAI Leadership and Stakeholders meeting

On the 16th June, SAI leaders and stakeholders in the CAROSAI region convened virtually for the SAI Leadership and Stakeholder meeting on the Auditing Strong and Resilient National Public Health System (linked to SDG 3.d).

Evaluation of the Accelerated Peer-Support Partnership (PAP-APP) Programme

Programme providing intensive support to nine SAIs found to be well designed and implemented, with most outputs likely to be achieved.

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IDI Board discusses strategic foresight in IDI, and approves updated plans and budget

IDI Board discusses strategic foresight in IDI and approves updated plans and budget in its meeting on 17 March 2021

ASOSAI and PASAI SAI Leadership and Stakeholders meet to discuss national public health resilience

16 SAIs participating in the SDG 3.d audits in the ASOSAI and PASAI regions and key stakeholders convened to discuss public health resilience in a recent virtural meeting.

IDI Board Member Dasho Tashi

Meet IDI Board Member, Åse Kristin Hemsen, Deputy Auditor General of Norway

As the next IDI Board meeting approaches, we're delighted to profile Åse Kristin Hemsen in IDI's "Meet our Board Members" series

SAIs must ensure accountability of spent public funds during Covid-19 pandemic

The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants and the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) have teamed up to highlight the important role of supreme audit institutions during times of crisis.

SAI Madagascar webinar

SAI Madagascar webinar reinforces financial autonomy and effective scrutiny

The Court of Accounts of Madagascar webinar reinforces financial autonomy to ensure independence and effective scrutiny of government expenditure.

Annual meeting in Mogadishu, February 2020, celebrating the release of the Annual Performance Report

Evaluation of IDI and AFROSAI-E’s dedicated support to SAI Somalia 2018-2020

Evaluation of joint project between SAI Somalia, IDI and AFROSAI points to notable successes as well as areas for improvement.