INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions

SAI Innovations – SAI Brazil’s Innovation Lab experiences

IDI launched its SAI Innovations initiative in November 2020 to highlight the importance of seeking to adopt new innovations and finding new solutions to SAIs to stay relevant for the benefit of all. In SAI Innovations we embrace horizontal sharing of ideas and innovations.

Call for expressions of interest for the position of member of the IDI Board

On 18 January 2021, the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) launched a  call for expressions of interest for the selection of one new member to the IDI Board.

Success Story: When Disaster Strikes

Building preparedness for earthquakes, volcanoes and flooding in Asia.

State Audit Office of Latvia Provides Support to Help Strengthen Capacity in African Supreme Audit Institutions

The State Audit Office (SAO) of the Republic of Latvia affirmed its support to Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) on the African continent. The SAO and the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) signed an agreement for the funding aiming at developing capacity and help SAIs in Africa.

SAI Strategic Management Handbook – Version 1

It is with great pleasure that we present to you the final Version 1 of the SAI Strategic Management Handbook.

SAI Innovations journey to go F.A.R. continued with two marketplace events

The IDI’s SAI Innovations 2020 theme Innovative SAIs going F.A.R.’ was launched in November with two framing webinars.

Evaluation of dedicated support to SAI South Sudan

Evaluation of joint project highlights excellent work of peers along with several gaps and areas for improvement.

Healthy Interactions - Recipes for Online Facilitation Flipbook

We are delighted to present to you our Healthy Interactions - Recipes for Online Facilitation Flipbook.

Financial Audit ISSAI Implementation Handbook-Version 1-English (Light touch review 2020)

IDI has been supporting Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) primarily in the developing countries to implement International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAIs) since 2012 under its 3i Programme. This year the IDI has transitioned from programme-based delivery approach to continuous workstreams based support. There are four workstreams under its Strategic Plan 2019-23. The development and maintenance of global public goods for ISSAI implementation remains at the heart of Professional SAIs workstream.

Financial Audit ISSAI Implementation Handbook is one such another product. The Handbook is an audit methodology that contains explanations of the ISSAI financial audit process as well as audit working paper templates, that are designed to facilitate the application of ISSAIs in practice. The methodology suggested in this Handbook extensively covers the audit work to be performed and documented at an audit engagement level. Following the endorsement of INTOSAI Framework of Professional Pronouncement (IFPP) in 2019, IDI carried out the light touch review of Financial Audit ISSAI Implementation Handbook in 2020 to reflect the new numbering system of Financial Audit ISSAIs among other minor updates. The updated version of this handbook is available on  for use by our SAIs.

The translated version of this Handbook in Arabic, French and Spanish will be available soon.

SAI PMF basic training eLearning Course

Demonstrating its resilience during COVID 19, the IDI is conducting a SAI PMF basic training course virtually from 7 to 11 December 2020.

Financial Audit ISSAI Compliance Assessment Tool (iCAT) and Guidance-Version 1 English (LT review 2020)

IDI has been supporting Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) in the developing countries to implement International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAIs) since 2012 under its 3i Programme.

The IDI held two webinars for SAI Innovations on 24th and 25th November.

The IDI held two webinars for SAI Innovations on 24th and 25th November. The webinars focused on this year’s theme of Innovative SAIs going F.A.R.